My Companions are Sea, Land and Sky.
My Shield is Reverence for Life.
My Armour is Tranquillity, and Insight.
My Weapons are Fortitude, and Awareness.
Deconstruction of the Draconic Code:
The Draconic Code is offered to the practitioners of Dragon Magick as a workable code of ethics.
Line One: My Companions are Sea, Land and Sky
Here Sea Land and Sky are in reference to the three dragons that symbolise the past, the present and the future. By making these dragons/realms your Companions, you are ascertaining that you are existing in the moment.
Line Two: My Shield is Reverence for Life
A shield is always our first line of defence. By constructing our shield with Reverence for Life, we are aligning ourselves with our ancient ancestors who understood the value, and sacredness of the food they consumed. We ackwnowledge the worth of each living being, be it plant, animal or human. All are connected and apart of each other.
Line Three: My Armour is Tranquillity, and Insight
Our Armour is the attitude that we clothe ourselves in. By choosing to clothe ourselves in Tranquillity, and Insight, we are seeking to project an attitude of calmness while looking below the surface before formulating opinions. Seek to see behind the masks that others choose to wear, and then ascertain a course that will lead to the greatest benefit for all.
Line Four: My Weapons are Fortitude, and Awareness.
Weapons are tools which should be used as the last line of defence. By selecting Fortitude, and Awareness as our weapons, we are proclaimin that obstacles will not stop us. Obstacles are only stepping stones on the way to our goals. Awareness is a combination of sensibility, perception, alertness and discretion. By always remaining aware of your surroundings, actions, and attitude you can maintain a greater balance, and move forward towards your goals with honour.